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"See, hear how everything, leads up to this day;
and it's just like any other day, that's ever been
Sun going up and then, the sun it going down,
Shine through my window, and my friends they come around".
Robert Hunter/Jerry Garcia



Michelle Friedman  Copy_of_Andyportch.jpg (102621 bytes)
and Andy Marcus

Andy Marcus and Gary Lapidus  GaryAndy.jpg (124587 bytes)


Eileen playing her guitar  EiGuitar.jpg (88589 bytes)    Richie Gold joins in while  RgGl.jpg (96318 bytes)
          Gary dreams he sees a silver spaceship through the yellow haze of the sun.


Copy_of_AndyWayne1.jpg (125160 bytes)  Andy Gottesman and Wayne Samson at the falls  AndyWayne2.jpg (95933 bytes)



Eileen and Jerry NmnJerry.jpg (96266 bytes)



                   Jerry Garcia


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